Edith March
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Edith grew up in South Korea, but finished her undergrad with a dual Biology/Studio-art degree at Grinnell College. With a dual degree in seemingly opposite fields, Edith found BVIS at UIC where both interests could be fused, leading her down a path for a future career she would love.
As a first year student, Edith is taking all of the intro classes to the field. She is taking anatomy, anatomical visualization, and introduction to all BVIS illustration/ digital techniques. She is yet unsure of what would peak her interest the most, but is currently working on illustrating the shoulder joint. She is looking forward to learning how to use all the digital tools provided in BVIS including making games, animations, or experience with using virtual reality.
Since Edith loves animations and cartoons, she hopes to use that style to illustrate in this style to develop learning tools. She wants to have fun no matter what scientific or medical field she falls in and illustrate fun yet accurate educational images.