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Center on Health Promotion Research for Persons with Disabilities

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1640 W. Roosevelt Rd., DHSP

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The CHP believes that investing resources in empowering people with disabilities to improve and self-manage their own health through appropriate exercise, nutrition and health behavior (i.e., proper medication management, effective stress management) can have an enormous impact in improving quality of life and reducing health care costs.

The CHP was established in 1997 with the primary aim to identify people with disabilities who are at risk for developing numerous health complications (ie, secondary conditions) and provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary for promoting their own independence, equal opportunity, quality of life, and longevity. Building upon the core funding provided by the University of Illinois at Chicago, the CHP has been able to successfully compete for federal funding from the National Institutes on Health (NIH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR).