Caitlin is wearing a sleeveless dress with flowers on it, standing behind the DHSP building with grass in the background, with her arms crossed and smiling.

Caitlin Crabb

Visiting Research Specialist, Disability and Human Development


Office Phone



1640 W. Roosevelt Rd., 251C DHSP

Mail Code


Office Hours

By appointment


Caitlin Crabb is a PhD student in disability studies as well as a staff member for the Institute on Disability and Human Development. She is currently working on projects related to managed care, State of the States in Developmental Disabilities, and transitions out of State-Operated Developmental Centers (SODCs) for people with intellectual disabilities. Caitlin's research interests include home and community-based services, personal support workers, and access to healthcare for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Leadership in the Profession

Disability and Human Development Student Association, Treasurer

Notable Honors

2016 - Student Award, American Public Health Association - Disability Section

2015 - Student Incentive Award, American Public Health Association - Disability Section


BS, Statistics, University of Iowa, 2008
MPH, University of Kansas Medical Center, 2010