Michelle Adams

Michelle Adams

Instructor, Kinesiology and Nutrition

Director of Experiential Learning, Kinesiology and Nutrition

Office Phone



901 W. Roosevelt Rd., 337 PEB

Mail Code


Office Hours

By appointment


Michelle Adams, MS, is a full-time instructor and the director of experiential learning for the undergraduate kinesiology program. Adams earned both a BS and MS in kinesiology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and is a certified personal trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine. She holds multiple certifications in the fitness industry as a cancer exercise specialist, wellness coach, yoga instructor, and certified CPR instructor.

Prior to her arrival at UIC in 2014, Adams spent 14 years in the fitness and wellness industry, including roles as a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, clinical exercise physiologist, and executive level facility management. She has spent over 10 years educating health care providers and individuals living with diabetes about exercise training strategies for individuals living with diabetes. Adams has spoken at numerous conferences including the American Association of Diabetes Educators, Medical Fitness Association, and the Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association, and has been quoted as a subject expert on diabetes and exercise in both the Wall Street Journal and Neweek.

Service to the Community

Adams works directly with the UIH health care system on a project that encourages local at-risk youth with lifestyle intervention strategies for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and obesity-related illness. She is a firm believer that all people are capable of living a healthy lifestyle regardless of health related limitations.

Notable Honors

2016 - Silver Circle Award Recipient, University of Illinois at Chicago


BS, Kinesiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
MS, Kinesiology - concentration in Exercise Physiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign